Calling to the Continent
always a wanderer
i’ve always been a wanderer
isolated even
wanting to stay to myself
never wanting to explain myself
obligated and voluntold to the care of others
what’s next…what’s new…
often wondering when wandering
is everywhere where i’m supposed to be?
wander all the Earth’s wonder as it speaks
‘you cannot stay here
go on
ferret out the desires of your heart
wander in my breath of life
go on
be a wonder’
Nature inspires me. Life’s directions come in the whistle of the wind; tugs of the grass at my feet; embrace of the warm sun; hugs of the leaves in a climbing tree; penetration of a cold breeze; tickle of the fallen leaf; swish from the gush of fruit between my teeth; grounding in the bare Earth; a gentle push from the wave on my back. I’m both silenced by and fearful of the water. She’s pulled on me physically and mentally repeatedly to satiate a deep desire to toy with my psyche. Her behavior is like that of a coquette—reeling me in with her calmness only to smother me with her strength and giggle at her deception. She’s a G. I respect her. I do not eff with her. I do, however, seek her out, she and her nature cousins, wherever they may be found. This seeking, coupled with pure exhaustion brought on by many culprits, is what ultimately led me to Kenya.
more later
about me
in Nairobi
until then, make a cup of tea
and follow me on IG
Pineapple Black Reci-TEA ™
Enlist the following:
● Pineapple skins from a fresh pineapple
● Sweetener of choice
● Black or gold tea of choice (in a tea bag is fine, loose is better)
● Fresh ginger or fresh ginger juice
● A pot to boil water
● Water
● Your favorite mug
● A blanket if you wish
-Skin the pineapple
-Get your pot and fill with however much water you need for the tea you are going to make
-Turn the heat to medium-high
-When it’s bubbling, not boiling, add the pineapple skins and fresh ginger
-When the water starts to boil, turn the heat down to a low boil
-Let pineapple skins boil until there is a sweet aroma or for about 15-20min
-Before steeping the tea, add your sweetener of choice and ginger juice if no fresh ginger
-Turn off the heat and allow your tea to steep in the pot (4-7min)
-Carefully strain your tea as to not burn yourself
-enJOY hot or cold