and on with matters of the eve...
Visited Neighbor S. We had cigs and soda on his balcony. People came and went and the cool breeze blew as the sun set, and promised colder temps.
My sister was able to reach my caseworker, who had been ignoring me all day (the caseworker), and she (caseworker) said that she sent some initial e-mail to the housing manager in Farmington, (or, “request sent”, as she said), and that she (caseworker) sent a follow-up e-mail to aforementioned manager to see if she received it, and what to do next.
I told my sister that that is good news, but that my caseworker must call me to relay this info to me. And also that I know what to do next, so I have a good idea of the “next step”.
My sister also said that the caseworker in question has my STL Metro bus pass (monthly) confirmed, and it will be avail tomorrow, so I assume said caseworker will bring it down this way (down to S St Louis County from up in St Louis Central), and then I can go to/from Independence Center, should I choose.
That's nice, yea, but not a priority. My priorities are obvious and intense now, so I hope the caseworker replies to...everything.