Do thou worst, Pulmonology infection/virus/whatever
Life update (and the lack of quality thereof)
To not be a Debbie Downer, but to be straight forward and real, life, as I know it, is difficult
Farmington housing opportunity fell through, as well as communication with STL housing rep (for South City housing placement), because everything gets bottle-necked through my caseworker now. She has a disdain for work, so nothing we have done in two years (other than fast trips to the grocery store) has gotten done, nor will these “big” (important) things get done either. It's a dead duck in the water – those opportunities and options are gone :(
As for health, a Pulmonology infection has taken shape, and breathing is labored, but I cannot do anything about it until I move elsewhere. I have two(2) ride options in life now, my sister “C” (who would rather insult and condescend to me in moments of vulnerable desperation than offer help (of any type) – I have sincere disdain for people of that (non) character), or my caseworker, who is making it her business to avoid me, because there are a few (were a few) things that need be done in regards to calls/appointments, she doesn't desire to do those things, so she will (literally – in quite “Dr Phil guest” type of fashion) ignore whatever needs to be done until those things go away.
So, I cannot make a Pulmonology appt.
I will have to go elsewhere. Another state. Anywhere that isn't here, and where I can get health (and mental health) services.