
here's a replycast, or a Gemboost, or a frinklebrein, or whatever the hell

In response to Inquiry, captioned here:

Yea, at some point circa mid-1990s the VC's of the soon-to-be Silicon Valley Internet Utopia decided the “a rose by any other name” method of pseudo re-inventing the wheel of common, everyday activities was the way to move product. Or gain customers. Both. Not such as that of MP3 v CDs, or shared download links to a 20MB file that an online outlet will charge $15+ a pop to get access to (e.g e-books, which is effectively buying nothing) – at least those had something “new”(er) attached to them. Most other one-off concepts (like textcasting) are are just World Wide Web-anese for “elevate so and so's term to make them seem/look special”.

Blogging is just writing

Podcasting is just recorded audio

Vlogging is just filming oneself

etc and so on