presently non-present
Ever feel aloof? Or ambivalent? Or just wishy-washy about a thing?
Of course (wE aLl HaVe!), but I felt that way distinctly just now about my online presence. Like, I'm here, writing, doing a/the tmo thing, and all is fine, but it's just some segmented database of words on a website online. Grand, but I sort of felt indifferent (yet not dejected) from the blog bit.
I remember trying to re-establish an online presence in 2017, and having bounced from BS anonymous “blog” platform to another (sort of single-entry/share that link and it gets a read sort of thing) such as and the (now defunct), I started to snoop about the iOS store on my (temporary) iPhone, and saw There, somewhere, I found it. Liked the editor straight away. So I created a blog here (in 2017 I called it “diarist”, I think, but settled on “tmo” after I closed that account, as “tmo” is short/minimal and my initials).
I figured: “Yea! I'll have a web presence, a hub, a nook, a place to have it all – my thoughts, ideas, writing samples, everything”. So it is.
Tumblr was/is fxxxed. Nothing worked on that platform in the 2015/16 era when I closed my old (daily life log) That wasn't even the purpose of the blog, (I didn't have a purpose for it (blogging)), I just started it as, my old “pro” blog name, only on Tumblr, and started reblogging/sharing sxxx all the time, figured I would fuss about with a sorta online presence then (2014) and got (a nickname given by a gracious Twitter friend, with a similar moniker – we'll call her “M”). And when I moved to St Louis in late 2014 I started to write daily (as now) and just kept at it. Hell, I would write blog posts while walking back from a coffee shop in the U City Loop. Write a different blog post while waiting for the Metrolink. Have another (blog-length/worthy) thought in the works when I entered back into my apartment. I think a lot of difficult and tumultuous elements of my life were accounted for in that blog. But, I impulsively hit “delete” in 2015, and off it went never to be retrieved again :/
It's cool though. Writing/logging (I will make a distinction between blogging and logging, as blogging can always be applied to so many different types of online outlets, as a log (of oneself) is really just only that).
Yea, just flooshing about today, it seems. Groceries soon