thinking of things (as I wait)
Adequacy of (mental health) care at this particular facility.
My first therapist, who got promoted to a caseworker “case manager” (boss of caseworkers). Then she later left that facility to work at the facility I happen to be at now, only to be promoted again to supervisor, of case managers (boss overseeing managerial bosses). In time, likely to climb higher to possibly executive status – no doubt with at, in time.
Bulls overseeing the bulls, as they say in the movie Alcatraz. Or, “the counts count the counts”.
My current caseworker, however, is that similar to a new Starbucks employee on the verge of being fired for inadequacy. Yet, she never gets fired. Sucks (for me).
And me, now, hoping I can be allowed to handle any/all housing arrangements through the housing managers of one of these facilities, and also the other facility I will be moving down to – forgoing the caseworker altogether. I can/will handle everything on my end if allowed to do so, and things will be fine, smooth.
Now I sit sunshineside with the blinds open, and the weather warming, and smoke a cig. Soon a trip to see Neighbor S, as he offered me (back) a container of instant coffee I gave him. He since bought a Keurig, and didn't like the instant to begin with.
I am out of instant, so...
I'll do that now