In addition to being a totemaster, I'm also a general

What Were the Odds?

I took note last week of the news tidbit that Future Motion had recalled their one wheel skateboards after four people died on them. I took note mostly because there is a guy I see pretty frequently on walks along the Los Gatos Creek Trail who uses his at obnoxious speeds as his dog hauls ass alongside.

After work this evening I worked out and then went for a walk on the trail. When I go, I can head left where I enter the trail and go down to a park and back, or take a right and go a little further that way to Los Gatos and back. I went left this time and just a couple minutes into it I see off in the distance (trail is pretty straight at this juncture) what I eventually make out to be the guy’s dog, and then him on the pavement, having taken a fall off the board at obnoxious speeds.

I think it’s been at least a couple years I’ve been seeing this guy and now is when it happens. Wild.

He was far enough away that I couldn’t determine any specific injuries, but he was really having a hard time slithering himself off to the side of the path. And he goes fast, man. I doubt he’s dead, but he is shook the fuck up.

If it had just been me out there I would have gone down and seen what I could do for him, but there were two individuals and a couple who were going to come upon him before me, so I just turned around and went to Los Gatos and back instead.

I think I have been buzzed by this guy and his dog taking up ¾ of the trail at those speeds for the last time. I’m not happy he’s jacked up, but all that happened is he faced the consequences of his actions. This product shouldn’t exist and also be able to go these speeds, but I consider it something anyone could figure out for themselves that they shouldn’t go that fast on it with absolutely nowhere to go, nothing to do if you had an accident. And this guy rode it standing completely straight up.

Most importantly, the dog was totally fine.