Building fun experiences for the web

Blogging with

I struggled for a long time to decide where I should put my efforts in blogging. Should I self-host? Should I go with Wordpress? Post a blog on Netlify? There are so many choices – each one with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. I settled on because it gives you lots of choices and just kinda fits into the way I think. They have the ability to customize the CSS, but if you just want to go with the default, you can. You can embed lots of different content here, and it just works.

My only two issues with the site is 1) there’s no Markdown preview – so I’m often forced to either use the rich text editor or use another markdown editor to write the articles 2) the documentation is sometimes ridiculously hard to navigate. There have been several times when I wanted to know how to embed something, and even though I found out how months ago – I struggled to “re find” it later.

But, overall I’m super happy, and that should result in more posts, no?