Don't follow your passion-Ben Horowitz
I know, I know, I know!! I am getting intoxicated by Ben Horowitz!! And I am happy that I discovered him, thanks to the internet!
We always want to be liked, liked by the people around us! In order to do that the simple way is to say things that these people would love to hear!
Simple, isn’t it? In long run these things fail to stand out! Time is an infinite entity and it, often than not demands authenticity.
In order to do that and to be a leader in true sense we must take our time to manifest things that WE believe in. These things are to be manifested first and propounded next! Many a times the people who would cheer for you when you say likeable things would not be happier when you say these things. They may advise you to go for a safer alternative! These values that initially feel foolish combined with conviction may give long term value!
Ben explained a catch in these ideas. That catch is ‘uniqueness’. Everyone can have ideas. There is high chance that two or more people can have the same ideas. No idea is less capable. The idea that is unique, with future potential, that one which is first in line, gets the most traction by investors.
With all this in backdrop I will be dropping one more blog on this tagline because I loved it personally. We would be discussing why Ben says not to follow passion and what is the other side to this, what is the solution to ‘not following passion’?