Now your Write.as posts can be associated with your profile elsewhere on the...
Email list exports! Now you can easily download the full list of email...
Just fixed an issue where the social share image for a post was inconsistent.
A minor fix for social media previews: now you’ll always see the first image in...
We’ve just sent out a fix for following blogs from more fediverse platforms!...
We’ve fixed a bug for authors who write in a right-to-left (RTL) language, like...
Want more control over how your links show up on social media?
Now you can turn off Federation for your Public blogs! People have asked about...
Happy New Year 2024! To start the year off, we’ve just added support for...
Happy Friday! Now you can verify your fediverse / Mastodon / open web website...
There was an issue with loading past posts and editing their metadata,...
We fixed an issue with image alt text, where certain characters would cause the...
Made a bunch of improvements to our alternative blog interface, Tiny.Write.as!
Your blog's browser icon will now show up in the fediverse!
We now support Vimeo embeds! Just drop the link into your post to have it...
Just fixed an issue with eBook downloads — if you were unable to download yours...
Full data exports are now available in all formats we offer, for every single...
If you’ve added a browser icon to your blog, now they’ll even show up next to...
Browser icons! Now you can upload one yourself, and make your blog even more...
We just made a small change to newsletters: now your blog name won’t show up in...