SongPocket 4

SongPocket is an immersive player for your Apple Music library.

Kinda like a crate of records!

I started SongPocket in 2020.

Five years changes a person. Past Me would hate some aspects of modern SongPocket. But I still want giant artwork with no distractions.

Now, bittersweet news: future updates are paused, because I’m becoming a pirate.

I’ll still be working on my apps, just not publicly. SongPocket remains available and open-source. (Likewise with Font Booklet.)

And you’ll still see ideas from me, just not here.

I fell in love with computers when I saw iMovie in school, because I learned that technology can make people creative in ways they otherwise never could be.

Ever since, I’ve tried to pay forward that experience. Here’s to magic carpets for the mind.