Pragmatic insights on software craftsmanship and other topics.

Clean Code

Several years ago, I read Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin also known as “Uncle Bob”. If you haven't read it, you might consider picking up a copy. It inspired me with a desire to write cleaner higher-quality code. The book is not technical, rather it focuses on the processes and mindset necessary to create clean code.

Uncle Bob has also created a video series that goes beyond the material covered in his book. The videos dive into technical aspects of how to write clean code. I started watching the video series from the beginning. The format is entertaining and the material is thought-provoking.

So far I've watched four episodes and I've been thoroughly entertained and inspired. Episode 1 talks about how we write code for humans, not just machines. The second episode talks about class, and function names. The third and fourth episodes dig into functions.

If you're looking for an entertaining way to get knowledge this may keep your attention. I look forward to carving out time to watch more Clean Code videos!