I see you drift, further each day,
Caught in a world that pulls you away.
Your smile is gone, your spirit weak,
And I’m left with words I can’t speak.
We used to share a love so bright,
Now it’s lost in endless night.
Your addiction’s grip, a vice so tight,
Turns our days into constant fight.
You tell me stories, spun with care,
But your eyes show a truth so bare.
Promises made, then quickly broken,
Leave me shattered, words unspoken.
The pain of loving you cuts deep,
In the silence, I often weep.
For the person you were, the life we planned,
Slips through my fingers like grains of sand.
Cheating life, you lose your way,
While I stand by, day after day.
I want to save you, pull you back,
But our love’s gone off track.
Each lie you tell, each deceitful act,
Leaves my heart bruised, our bond cracked.
I reach for you, but touch the void,
In this struggle, my soul’s destroyed.
Yet, I hold on, to a glimmer of hope,
Trying to climb this slippery slope.
For somewhere deep, you’re still the one,
The love of my life, the battles won.
I feel lost, adrift in pain,
Hoping you’ll find your way again.
But until then, I’ll keep my place,
Longing for the day I see your face.
The real you, free from the chains,
Without the sorrow, without the stains.
Loving you is a torturous ride,
But I can’t let go, no matter how hard I’ve tried.