A clean, simple publishing platform made for writers. Write together, and build a community.

Managed Hosting with WriteFreely.host

Today we're excited to launch our new service, WriteFreely.host! This is a fully-managed hosting service for anyone who wants to start their own writing community, powered by our software.

Instead of going through the technical work of installing WriteFreely yourself, with this new service we set up and host your site for you — that means we take care of maintenance, backups, and constant upgrades — all for one low monthly cost. To get started, all you need is a domain name.

Once you're up and running, you can choose what your community is about. Write your own about page and privacy policy through the admin control panel; Choose how many lightweight blogs everyone in your community gets; Enable federation to let your writers share their posts to the fediverse; Turn on the Reader to showcase everyone's work in one place.

You can also try out a demo to see what a WriteFreely community looks like!

To get this service off the ground, we're taking 50% off the normal rate for our first several customers. There are only a few spots left, so if you've ever wanted to start your own blogging community, now is a great time to get started!
