Thoughts, Musings, and Notes

COVID Thoughts

Things are definitely different in my daily life. I haven't really seen anyone IRL for much longer than I'd like. Tasks at work have slowed down or changed dramatically. Things are starting to open back up, but I can't help but worry that it's too early.

My initial idea was waiting until June before reacclimating back to normal, but now that it’s slowly approaching, I’m likely to push it back until August. I’d rather wait safely and see how everything plays out.

There are so many upcoming events that I have trouble staying fully positive: I’m convinced that there will be multiple ‘waves’ until a vaccine is developed. I’m convinced the vaccine will be rushed to market faster than any previous vaccine. I’m convinced that my job will have to make some very difficult layoff decisions. I’m convinced the job market is going to be even worse the next 5+ years. And I’m convinced that those with power will not do as much as they can to help.

But I know I can’t focus on these negatives. There are a lot of positives as well. There has been more opportunity to learn and try new things. I’ve been meeting people through different avenues I wouldn’t have tried before. I’m spending more time with those in my household. I’m saving money to be prepared for the future.

The pandemic will eventually pass. The pieces will be rebuilt. We just have to try our best to help as many people make it to then as possible.

#100daystooffload #dayeight #covid