Thoughts, Musings, and Notes


So I got a kitten about 8 months ago, and I couldn't be happier as a cat mom. She's kind of a brat a lot of the time, but I think she'll grow out of it. Lately she's become a bit more mellow and likes napping and cuddling up with me which is like, exactly what I like in cats. But she's still got a lot of spunk and energy to burn off, which keeps me up at night sometimes.

I love to buy her different toys to play with, but she still just loves to climb up the door frame instead. She likes watching TV with me, but likes to interact with the screen as well. For every cute thing she does, she knows how to push my buttons.

But I love her a ton and I know she loves me. When I get home she is cuddly. If I leave rooms, she will follow me and just be around me. She'd rather spend time around me than exploring a lot of the time, and that just means the world to me.

#100daystooffload #daysixteen #personal #cat