Thoughts, Musings, and Notes

Little Changes

Yesterday while cleaning up around the house, I decided to change a few things just to spice things up.

The biggest change I made was switching up which side of the bed I’m going to sleep on. Usually I sleep furthest from the wall, now I’m up against it. One of the biggest impacts is it would be forcing my kitten to change her sleeping spot. She likes to sleep at the foot of the bed, close to the wall. To give her a newer, comfier spot, I took the cat bed that she never used and placed it where I used to sleep. She took to it immediately. It was really nice waking up this morning to her just curled up in her own little spot there as happy as can be. The sleep was good, too.

I also copied several episodes of an anime I’m watching to a flash drive. Before I had to use my desktop which was inconvenient. This isn’t my ideal of having a media server, but it gets the job done. It was nice to watch a few last night before bed.

Not so much a change, but I charged all of my handheld consoles as well. Yesterday I spent some time trying out Metroid: Samus Returns. I played Super Metroid for the first time ever a few months ago, so it’s fun trying out another game in the same style (I played Hollow Knight before Super Metroid, to it’s not super new for me). It was nice playing a ‘new’ game again. I have no idea how long it is, but I can see myself spending an hour or so each day playing it until I get to the credits at least.

#100daystooffload #daynine