Thoughts, Musings, and Notes

New Responsibilities

Apologies for the break between posts. Fortunately, work has picked up, which is great. In addition, I was nominated for a chair in a local organization I've been volunteering for. The Minecraft server also took up a lot of energy that I wasn't expecting. Luckily, it's settled down and is at a point where I can sit back and enjoy it. I've got a new website project in my mind as well: updating the site to have a static home page and turning the blog into a subdomain.

We're halfway through the 100daystooffload as well now. In retrospect, I should focus more on the DAYS to offload, rather than 100 posts. I need a bit of a fire to my feet sometimes to get me moving. I'll try to keep it up for the next little bit.

#100daystooffload #dayfifty #personal