Never trust a liar. Even though they will always trust themselves.

The Wolf Had An Enemy

He was VERY jealous of this enemy and constantly sought to sensor, stumble or kill him.

But the wolf's enemy seemed charmed. Nothing the canine did no matter how hard he fought or how loud he growled, made a difference. The enemy just seemed to thrive and be happy!

After many years, the wolf devised a very devious and heinous plan. A plan to trap his enemy through generosity.

First, he gave his enemy the gift of a few morsels of food and he was sure to be very kind a appealing.

Then he gave his enemy some small things, treasures of high value that everyone admired and more than a few desired.

Over time, the wolf gave his enemy more and more, until one day, thinking the beast was now his friend, the enemy confided, “I have so many wonderful things and I eat so well thanks to you. I have time to pursue my art and music. You are so kind! But the people of the land have grown envious of my success and I grow fearful they will come and take the kind things you have shared with me. I think I will build a storehouse in which to keep them.”

Seeing an opportunity the predator gave his enemy many bricks and mortar and told the builder that he should build a house so that he could be protected, safe and warm. He also recommended to build the home large enough to house his success and any that he may acquire in the future. Most of all, the wolf admonished to be sure to make the doors and windows very small, just small enough to squeeze out of, to prevent others from sneaking in to carry away the wealth.

“But my father says it is best to live out of doors, to sleep under the stars and feel the sun on my face.” His enemy told the cunning creature.

“Do as you please, it is certainly good to do those things, and it seems wise. But what about your things? How will you protect them? And how do you know someone will not come and kill you while you sleep because of jealousy or envy?”

So, the wolf's enemy built exactly as the canid had advised and he made very small windows and doors. Thinking himself very wise, the builder also constructed bars on each window and a heavy door for the one small entrance.

The lupine shone with glee, now having his enemy trapped. He gave more and more gifts and more and more to eat until his enemy grew too fat and large to move about the increasing number of of gift he had recieved.

Finally reaching frustration, the wolf's enemy decided to leave all of his wealth and lifestyle behind, to return to simple life he had enjoyed for so many years. It was now discovered the nature of the trap: that he had grown so large that he could not squeeze out of the door he had made. Unbeknownst to the enemy, the devious rogue had come many times in the night and slowly made the doorway smaller until no one could come and go. And finally this night, the wolf sealed it shut.

The hunter was pleased at his trap and would go often to watch his enemy struggle and plead until he finally died as a result of getting and having everything that he had really never wanted.


Welcoming comments and critique since 1984

#Story #Confession