Never trust a liar. Even though they will always trust themselves.

Be Wise, My Son

Foolishness is a disease
that comes on very slowly.

And without preamble or prejudice.

No cure,
Only symptomatic mitigation
the collateral tears.

Affliction of the young,
The old
The wise
The bold, especially.

It cares little for your
Hopes and dreams
Except to bend
Them to it’s ineffable will.

Like a sucker punch,
foolishness is impossible to expect.
The best you can hope for
Is to counter the blow with routine.

Of goodness,
Of seriousness
Of generosity
Of will.

What began as
parental illness,
Propagated to pandemic
And today… Endemic.

But it shall
Not always be so.

One day, foolishness,
which is ever tied up in the
heart of a boy,
will die with youth.

We will laugh
At the foolishness
Of Children
When we can truly
Say we are men.

When we are wise
And can see
the end from
The beginning
And so we STOP.

And marvel
At how
Knowledge applied,
Really is wise.


wisdom is knowledge applied


Thanks for reading and sharing my beautiful lie.

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