Never trust a liar. Even though they will always trust themselves.

Do You Realize

Don’t Waste Any Time, There is Precious Little of it


“And instead of saying all of your goodbyes
Let them know you realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last”

— The Flaming Lips

Did you know you are beautiful? That you are amazing? If no one’s told you that, let me. You really are. There is no one quite like you in all of existence. Someone may sound like you, even look a bit like your doppelgänger, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t unique. And forget the argument that if everyone is special, no one is. That’s simply not true. Every delicious tomato is wonderful. Each bee collecting nectar is a miracle of creation. Every sunrise and sunset are unparalleled.

You aren’t appreciated enough. None of us can be. Mark Twain said, ‘I can live two months on one good compliment.’ So let me feed you for a few hours at least.

If you are the least of us, or the most, you are important. You are loved. Does that mean we all like you all the time? Negative. But a truly good man isn’t well-liked by those in his circle. So do don’t base your self-worth on that constant gratification. Social media is training us to need that, but you don’t. Because I love you and so does someone else.

Go forth into the day and celebrate your amazing capacity. When most of the universe is either empty space or cosmic dust, you exist. Seize that and do something wonderful. Even if it is only brightening someone else’s day, that’s enough to become the change you want to see in the universe.

Love others because you are loved.

I love you.

It’s funny that there are so many love songs, but rarely do we discuss love like it is as common a topic as it truly is. And those songs generally deal with what we get from a relationship. The selfish side of things. But the funny thing about love is that for it to really be love, it must be selfless. It does not look out for its own interests after all. We have to think of others before ourselves. Maybe that is why we don’t discuss it more: we don’t want to get taken advantage of. :–/

‘I must let go now. Let you go. Love is too often The answer for staying. Too seldom the reason For going. I drop the line And watch you drift away.

“All along You thought The fiery current of your lover’s breast pulled you to the deep. But it was my heart-tide releasing you to float adrift with seaweed.”’

  • Where The Crawdads Sing: Delilah Owens


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