Never trust a liar. Even though they will always trust themselves.

For the Love of Brothers

Oh! Like leaves we touch, we learn.
Now and forever we know the story.
As winter calls, we will starve
But dance will keep us warm.

There is a storm in me tonight.

As two atmospheres collide, one cold, one hot, resulting in turmoil and powerful disturbance, my mind and heart are in disarray.

In me, the HEAT of joy at completing our building project, with its weeks and weeks of worry — worry that I will forget, disappoint, discourage... that I will fail my friends and Father. Though I KNOW they are all the model of patience and love, my heart seems blind to reason and logic.

Suddenly, crashing unexpectedly into the satisfying completion of a job well done: the COLD realization that these same days, days that have delivered tearful joy, laughter and touches with love, moments of intimate camaraderie and bonds forged more deeply by being together… they are over.

As the sun is setting over the glowing golden fields tonight (oh my god they are beautiful), the air after the storm is so absolutely perfect and crystalline that it defies poetry. But my heart understands. A heart overflowing of happiness and joy, and tears at parting from my friends.

I thank my Father that we have this lifetime and these fellow souls, though it is too short and I beg for another and another and another so that we may again suffer the tempest of love and loss that gives so much.

I want this feeling forever.

I wrote this at the beginning of July on the way home from a volunteer construction project. Thinking this may be my last project was... heavy.


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