Found Treasure
It feels good to be needed,
to be wanted
I need him…
There for me,
the one I love
Walking slowly through life…
or fast…
Still, he’s my partner,
my little boy blue,
with strong arm hugs,
A big heart,
much compassion…
and tender love.
I found this old poem digging through a sketchbook from about 2011. Even then, we weren't young love. But little gems like this make you feel young and remind you of the passion that came so freely at first, and that as soon as you start chasing you never stop.
Sometimes you chase it, sometimes she does. It's when you both are chasing that sparks fly and you travel through time.
Ah! If only the world were made of poets and lovers instead of warriors. We are collectively broken enough to be poets, but... but nature busies no factory.
Never stop chasing the thrill.
words are our only real power
Thanks for reading and sharing my beautiful lie.
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