Never trust a liar. Even though they will always trust themselves.

How Busy Is Too Busy?

I am far too busy doing the things of life to live a life.

So that when I finally do take a moment tot look up and ‘smell the roses’ as they say, I am sure I will find that life did not bother to wait for me, or even leave the porch light on.

Perhaps my many tasks somehow will have improved the lives a little of those whom I loved and missed. All it did for me was keep me out of trouble.


That level of activity also kills something in you a little at a time. ‘Kills’ perhaps is too strong a word. Being busy though, while beneficial for others, puts too much attention on the needs of the exterior. This neglect of the secret person of the heart opens the mind to forget that there are priorities beyond love of self and fulfillment of an individual. We MUST regularly stop and renew our soul by connecting with the Father and soaking in his directives.

Soldiers dig ditches, fight battles and win wars. They do not pine for long walks on the beach or by the lake. Of all the jobs a soldier does, mostly, they dig ditches. But even the hardest man must stop to eat regularly.

Or he will meet his doom.


Welcoming comments and critique since 1984