Never trust a liar. Even though they will always trust themselves.

I Love The Rain

You can make water go up hill. But rain falls all by itself.

There are things that can be forced to fit. Forced is the wrong word. Coerced? Crafted? Adjusted, certainly. Like two stones honed and honed until they fit together like one rock.

But other things seem ready-made to be together. Two pieces of a puzzle come to mind. We can attach ourselves to things and to others. But attachment is a conscious choice. Ego-driven, even.

Connection just happens. Usually when we are not even asking for it. Like roots of two great trees that happen to grow a little two close to one another. Connections are subconscious, unrealized and unexpected. And very difficult to unmake.

Connections feel natural, peaceful, not forced or chaotic.

But, what do I know? I’m just a dog on the internet.


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