It's Worse Than I imagined
The cancer isn't just in her spine. It has moved into her brain. It is now causing swelling and bleeding in addition to the racking body aches and vomiting. My sister-in-law as gone from a hopeful and bright person a week ago to a lethargic, speech-slurring woman in pain today. At least reportedly. She isn't up to visitors right now. So we're getting our information 2nd hand from her son.
How did we get here from a marble sized lump in her left breast 18 months ago to a journey where the doctors poked, prodded, cut, lasered, radiated, flooded and bandaged her body to ensure we had her for decades more and have it result in just this. What's left? More experimentation? More rushing back from long weekends so that they can flood her body with more chemistry in the hope of chasing this rabbit?
This is particularly difficult for my wife. She's had her sister for 62 years and suddenly she is confronted with considering a life without her. And not one of those dysfunctional sister relationships we all know and love... this is a friendship that goes beyond the bonds of parenthood or matrimony.
I fear there will be no cure for an amputated soul.
Thanks for reading and sharing my beautiful lie.
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