Never trust a liar. Even though they will always trust themselves.

Never Enough

Until your heart stops beating

There is never enough sleep
Never enough respite
Never enough refreshing

Never enough reading
Never enough meditation
Never enough meaning

Never enough art
Never enough song
Never enough poetry

Never enough joy
Never enough kindness
There is never enough love

There is never enough time

But always plenty of everything else.

Shellshock! The deeper we get, the sweeter the pain of this life. When we are young, with more years ahead than behind, we burn with an intensity but lack understanding. As that graph shifts the other way and we have more experience than energy, it becomes clearer this lifetime is too short. We are designed for grander things. Universal things. 

My robotic denizens agree with me. Life is too short.

We all rule over our own empire of dirt, forgetting it is the unseen things that really mean anything at all.

Overheard conversations in Tucumcari NM 2023.

My sister after her brain injury in 2016. She’s crazy, but still has amazing hair.

We Met Eli Lev in Taos NM. He’s an independent artist making his way in the world. Recommend.


N372011Redbook_013 – Tim B died at his desk, with his boots on. A noble way to slip this mortal coil.






N372011Redbook_070 A Man Paints With His Brain Not His Hands

That’s like, your opinion, man….


Welcoming comments and critique since 1984

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