Oh! I miss you!!
Moving forward doesn't mean moving on
I miss you
I miss you
Miss you
Miss, you
You were taken for granted.
Shelved too often.
NEVER the star of the show.
But without you,
The show can’t go on,
Even though it must.
And, I suppose it will.
Time waits for no one,
After all.
There are plates to spin,
Lions to tame,
Clowns to prat.
Time will heal this rent heart,
And the audience won’t know.
Not directly.
But, they’ll sense the loss
And wonder why the performance
Isn’t quite what the poster promised.
I have had to move on from other relationships in life. And it is usually watching them drift away in the stream of time. About 10 years ago, within the span of 4 weeks, I lost two people very dear to me. The kind of people who are with you your whole life. It was a difficult adjustment and there was plenty of sadness. But now, well into the doorway of middle age, I am finding this current round of losses (another pair) incredibly difficult. Far more difficult than those many years ago. Perhaps I am more emotionally vulnerable? The pressure in the world? Or maybe these souls contributed more to my day to day than those others who, while with me longer, had less impact in my living time.
Whatever the case, I am finding myself not letting them drift into the stream of time, but clinging to their memories like trying to save a dying man caught in a torrent, about to be pulled into an undertow. It is cold and wet here. Misery incarnate, dripping with despair.
This too shall pass, and I will have to be content with understanding that loving another person doesn't require them in order to grow in depth and expanse. When you carry a person with you in your heart, they will stay there whether you have coffee with them, or never see them again.
I do wish being gone diminished the pain though.
#poetry #memoir #confession #sxsw
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