Never trust a liar. Even though they will always trust themselves.

Space tree

A boy negotiates with a tree to turn him into a rocket and leave earth for the stars.

Hello tree, Can we go to the moon?
The journey is long and the not an easy feat, but it can be done.
First you will need a suit so you can breath in outer space.
And food, you will need a lot of food, don’t forget water, outer space makes you thirsty.
What about you mister tree? What do you need for outer space?
Well, we trees get energy from the sun, but we need LOT’s of water too, I can store some, but you will need to bring enough for me.
And fertilizer. Space doesn’t have any dirt, but if we land on the moon, I might be able to use the dust there to sink my roots into, but we’ll need fertilizer for the nutrients.
And air, we’ll both need a lot of air.



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