Never trust a liar. Even though they will always trust themselves.

Sweet Fall Evening

It is fall tonight. We drive lazily with the windows down. No destination, we just needed to escape the confines of home. We cruise downtown where we hear the distant scream of a guitar. We suspect a Friday night concert. What a night for it. And we are rewarded with the last gasp of a riotous band led by singer Sam Riggs.

As we pull up to the small outdoor venue the band has launched into a rocking version of the Eurythmics Sweet Dreams. This morphs into another song that I can’t pin down.
We debate buying tickets but neither of us is dressed for public consumption, nor are we really in the mood.

So we just park with all the windows down and the top open. This is pleasant. We are only about 100' from the venue and can hear the crowd cheering the performance. He's pretty good. Country, which I know you are no fan of (I've never completely known why), but certainly with a rock component to it. Lots of guitar, and not the twangy country-kind. The piercing strikes and streaks that only rock can really get right.

His encore is 'Second Hand Smoke'. It is equally unappealing and resplendent. He pines for a lost love and can mostly function, nearly move on... until he gets some small part of her that reminds him. Then like second hand smoke to a former addict, it all comes crashing down again.