Never trust a liar. Even though they will always trust themselves.

The Fingers of God

Psalm 8: 3,4

Ps 8: 3,4 – 3 When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, The moon and the stars that you have prepared,4 What is mortal man that you keep him in mind, And a son of man that you take care of him?

Self-control – Beneficial in two areas
Personal life:
* exercising means fewer major problems (David: YEARS of problems)
* More stable emotionally
* Form more wholesome relationships
* Not as angry
* Less prone to anxiety and depression
* Helps build will-power
* Enhances appreciation for material things
* More sympathy who have less out of necessity
* Avoids debt (slave to lender)
* Less baggage means more freedom of time

Allows focus on speaker at spiritual programs
Aids in regularity of Bible reading and meditation

Aids in avoiding bad association
inappropriate jobs
activities that rob time

Fundamental to to retaining God’s favor
A) Christ MODEL of self-control (had power, opportunity to serve self)
B) Jah needs self-sacrificing, disciplined servants
C) Congregation needs overseers who deny self
D) Needed to deal with Cong problems
E) Needed to set example for others


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