Never trust a liar. Even though they will always trust themselves.

The Heart & Refreshing

You Cannot gently take a gift from a closed fist.

Few people think more than two or three times a year; I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or twice a week.
Bernard Shaw

Prov 3:21 – My son, do not lose sight of them. Safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability; 22 They will give you life And be an adornment for your neck; 23 Then you will walk on your way in safety, And your foot will never stumble.

Prov 15:15 – All the days of the afflicted one are bad, But the one with a cheerful heart has a continual feast

Emotion distorts thinking. Bible principles correct that distortion.

If not careful I live by gut reaction and begin to convince self that i am thinking.
Safeguard thinking ability.

Matt 11:28 – Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you.

Asa was a good king but had to be counseled and got mad at Hanania

Successful leadership, is to do no harm


Welcoming comments and critique since 1984