Never trust a liar. Even though they will always trust themselves.

The Oeuvre

She is a cathedral.
My masterwork

That I’ve spent
30 and 2 carving
Stone by stone
Brick by brick

Flying buttresses
Bring stunned awe
And glistening eyes.
Sturdy foundation built
Upon the Cornerstone.

Stained glass
That sparkles
And colors my
Day rose, turquoise, vermillion.
Though not usually very early.

Her mighty halls
Resound the chorus
And make it holier
Than imagination and
Loudly lifted up to our lord.

She is warm and welcoming
Hospitable to all, embracing
Them with a warm affectionate
Embrace and a whisper
That they too are as esteemed as she.

All my resources
And all my love
All of my life
Have gone to this
Oeuvre of my soul.

And yet,
Here I sit,
A flower.


Welcoming comments and critique since 1984
