Heroes Give. Villains Take.
And make no mistake, this world is villainous. Absolutely villainous. It takes and takes and takes. The only gifts we get, it takes back.
If you're lucky—I know we don't like that word, but it's lyrical— your life will follow a typical order.
First, it takes your innocence.
Then it takes your youth.
Over time, it takes your optimism and hope.
You can fight to keep these, but it's hard.
In place of these, you'll get frustration and anger.
As time goes by, it slowly steals your freedom.
This happens usually very slowly, like getting bricked into a cell in real time.
The years will role by and you will laugh and cry and make memories. You have already given up so much, these gifts will mean THE WORLD to you.
Then this world will take someone you care about.
Usually much older than you, and you get a little grief (or maybe a lot) along with it.
And you'll lose a little more freedom.
And more of your youth and vigor.
Oh, this life is a big ole fat thief. It just won't stop taking from you. Even after you think you don't have anything else to give, it'll find more to steal.
You'll lose your temper and patience over and over and over and over.
If you have children, first you'll lose them to their friends.
Then you'll lose them to their own lives.
You can convince yourself they are still yours, but they're gone.
Maybe you'll see them a few times a year.
Or maybe, like one friend of mine, years will go by before you get to see them again.
Or, if life is really really cruel, you'll lose them ultimately.
Because with enough time in this world,
You lose big.
You lose your mom and your dad.
You lose your closest friends.
A brother or a sister. Both or all.
Eventually, our eyesight, hearing, our very countenance is gone.
At some point, this life gets really insidious and starts to steal your memories.
This is particularly devastating right when we need them most.
And then it gets more personal and you lose
The one person who is closest to you in the whole world.
And that person... its like losing part of yourself.
Your heart will break and this life doesn’t laugh with glee. It simply doesn’t care.
All the handiwork of the villain that is life in this world.
With enough time, this life tries to play the ultimate steal and in doing so, gives us a gift.
It takes you.
In a moment, all that we were begins to fade away in memory.
We'll linger for a while on the lips and in the rememberance of those who loved us,
But time will do what it does and eventually those who keep us in their thoughts will be taken too.
And we are gone entirely.
Thanks for reading and sharing my beautiful lie.
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