Never trust a liar. Even though they will always trust themselves.

Welded Souls

Weld: Bond of indelibly between two like strata. Usually much stronger than the strata itself.

When I was a child, I would plug my ears and close my eyes as my father welded steel plates together and then banged away with a chipping hammer to remove the slag. As a final step, he would take a large, powerful grinder and etch away at the new bond, still a hot and smoking scar between two former pieces of steel now made one.

With enough grinding and a deft hand, he could make those plates looked like one large piece, the scar becoming indistinguishable to the human eye.

He was a master craftsman, even at a young age. But sometimes, he would make mistakes. A bond wouldn’t be good enough, heat would warp the material or he would simply make an error and bind the wrong pieces together.

In that last example, the weld was just as strong as any other. But the same skill with a grinder that allowed him to polish to a mirror finish could be applied to cut away the weld, this indelible bind, completely.

Occasionally in life, we become bonded to another thing, activity or person. In order to maintain an upright relationship with the Creator, for that bond to Him not to be weakened and finally broken, we must, must, MUST, grind away, molecule by molecule at the erroneous connection.

It is difficult, there is heat and strain involved and it will take time.

But in the end, you will find you are perfectly finished the way Jehovah wants you to be.