Tenuous grasp though
It may seem,
You are rooted
Deep in my soul.
Around and through
And in me so vitally
That neither time
Nor space
Nor things now hear
Nor things to come
Could ever dislodge
This from my being.
It divides me
And wraps me up whole
And complete,
A bundled quantum
State of thought
And emotion.
Where I am neither here
Nor there,
But also in both places
At once in laughter
And tears, stitches,
And solemnity.
The high road is so hard going,
But it is the only map I have,
And so I just keep going
Because we’ve come so far
Together that I don’t know
How to turn back.
But I can see you there across
The chasm of desire, climbing
Your own winding staircase
To life and happiness.
Love is all I can do.
All I can do is love.
Selfless, thoughtful,
Carrying their burdens
And my own, kind-of-love.
The same love that was shown to
Me by the King himself
Those many years ago.
A king to whom I swore fealty and
Who accepted but with
The condition of loyalty.
I tip my hat to you and pray your
Journey is equally filled with love
May my small measure of faithfulness
And loyalty inspire it in you.
In all.
For the faithful shall
wrinkled pages
Thanks for reading and sharing my beautiful lie.
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