Pledging our hearts to a convicted felon and his anti-Christian platform violating every tenet of Catholic Social Teaching, America and the Christian Church in it “behave as enemies of Christ’s cross.”
We are to be feared. We are not to be trusted. All our historic allies of Europe must plan now for a new America that will align itself with expansionist Russia and its plans to regain its lost Soviet territories. As American Christians, we are carrying the world to an accelerationist brink of destruction. So the reading from mass today seems hauntingly on point.
For there are many people of whom I have often warned you, and now I warn you again with tears, who behave as enemies of Christ’s cross. Their end is destruction… But our citizenship is in heaven and from there we are expecting a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform this wretched body of ours into the mould of his glorious body, through the working of the power which he has, even to make all things subject to him.
- Ph 3:18-21 (RNJB, emphasis mine)
It's true. As a Christian, I am now alienated by my own nation, my own people, and even my own faith. I am not safe here, and know I never will be again. To the end of my days, this world can never be my my hope, my family, or my home. We are a shattered colony of heaven, living in the wild. How I long for my homeland.
Is that really what Paul means? Deliverance from the fallen physical world and the life of the body? In his other letters, when he speaks of the body, he usually speaks of the Church itself… not yet an institution, but a people comprising Christ's mystical body here and now. Is that the sense of the passage above?
Can this “wretched body” of Christ truly transform into the glorious mould of his own once again?
I wonder.
Unless otherwise indicated, scripture quotations taken from The Revised New Jerusalem Bible Copyright ©️2019 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd. All rights reserved.
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