Struggling to stay Catholic? You're not alone. Faith seeks wonder to flourish. I'll share it when it shows up.

There is one “ruler of the kings of the earth… him who loves us and has freed us… and made us a kingdom, priests to his God….” (Rv 1:5-6, RNJB)

We must reconnect the main image of today's mass readings, the Son of Man “coming on the clouds of heaven, as it were” (Dn 7:13, RNJB) with the false images it dispels: “Four great beasts emerged from the sea….” (Dn 7:3, RNJB) Each beast the form of a predator, each predator a conquering kingdom of the ancient world: Babylonian, Median, Persian, Alexander's Seleucid.

Cut loose from the preceding verses, the meaning of the Son of Man is obscured. This reading from the Jewish apocalypse of Daniel, interpreted through the Christian Revelation to John, hides behind the tenth trump card of the Tarot: the Wheel of Fortune. Humanity that lives for Empire descends into the subhuman. Humanity that lives for God is raised into the truest human form.

This is a stark warning to all who govern: you may hold power now, but you hold it for the one who holds you. Serve him, or become the beast. It is a consoling promise to all the misgoverned: there is only one true authority here, Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.

Praise only him.

Serve only him.

Become only his.

Unless otherwise indicated, scripture quotations taken from The Revised New Jerusalem Bible Copyright ©️2019 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd. All rights reserved.

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