This is my story and I'm stick'n to it.

Friday 2024-12-06

Prayers, etc.:
* 04:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
* 06:00 – praying The Angelus
* 06:10 – praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by the Memorare.
* 06:40 – Praying day 8 of 9, of a Novena to the Immaculate Conception.
* 07:50 – Readings from today's Mass include – Epistle: Heb 13:7-17 and Gospel Matt 25:14-23
* 09:10 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: The liturgy is a school of humility. You see it in the gestures, the inclinations, the genuflections, the great respect we have for God in the liturgy; by the incensing, the profound bows, and the respect we have for others. That ought to be habitual, to think that men have a soul which is made in the image of God and which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. It can't be only in the liturgy that we respect the people around us. It needs to penetrate our whole life and help us acquire that humility with regard to other people.
* 09:20 – praying to Atone for Rome's 2025 Jubilee Mascot.
* 12:00 – praying The Angelus
* 16:30 – prayerfully reading The Athanasian Creed, followed by today's Daily Meditation found in Benedictus Magazine.
* 18:00 – praying The Angelus
* 18:50 – praying the hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Ripperger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Friday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics:
* bw= 217.60 lbs.
* bp= 134/63 (75)

* 06:05 – toast & butter, 1 banana
* 08:10 – snack on cheese
* 09:00 – 1 pb&j sandwich
* 09:45 – 1 ice cream sandwich
* 11:45 – Mongolian Beef dinner plate, steamed rice
* 14:20 – 1 Hershey's chocolate bar
* 15:30 – 1 bean and cheese breakfast taco

Chores, etc.:
* 05:00 – listen to local news talk radio
* 05:45 – bank accounts activity monitored
* 10:00 – leisure reading
* 11:45 – watch old game shows on TV, eat lunch at home with Sylvia
* 13:00 – w/o finances
* 14:30 – follow news reports from various sources
* 17:30 – listen to the pregame show for tonight's college basketball game between the Indiana Hoosiers and the Miami (OH) Redhawks, and I'll stay on his radio show for the call of the game.

* 09:30 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Friday, 2024-12-06 ~20:15 #DLDEC2024

by Roscoe