Friday 2025-02-28
Prayers, etc.:
* 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
* 06:00 – praying The Angelus
* 07:30 – praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary in Latin, followed by the Memorare
* 08:00 – Today's Morning Devotion (Psalm 50) found in Benedictus Magazine, followed by the Canticle of Zacharius (Lk 1:68-79).
* 08:30 – Readings from today's Mass include – Lesson: 2 Cor 11:19-33; 12:1-9 and Gospel: Luke 8:4-15.
* 09:00 – making an Act of Contrition then making an Act of Spiritual Communion, followed by praying Archbishop Vigano’s prayer for USA & President Trump.
* 11:30 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre:
The one thing we have to destroy at all cost is the habit of grave sin or the permanence in the state of grave sin.
Here, we have to tell ourselves again and meditate unceasingly on the gravity of mortal sin, in view of its consequences.
* 12:00 – praying The Angelus
* 16:20 – prayerfully reading The Athanasian Creed.
* 18:00 – The Angelus, followed by today's Evening Devotion (Psalm 140) found in Benedictus Magazine, followed by the Magnificat: Luke 1:46-55
* 20:15 – praying the hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Ripperger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Friday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.
Health Metrics:
* bw= 217.05 lbs.
* bp= 135/80 (67)
* 05:35 – 1 pb&j sandwich
* 07:00 – pizza
* 10:19 – applesauce
* 12:30 – biscuit & jam, hash browns, sausage, scrambled eggs, pancakes, Mongolian beef lunch plate.
* 17:30 – ice cream treat
Chores, etc.:
* 05:00 – listen to local news talk radio
* 06:30 – bank accounts activity monitored
* 08:00 – follow news reports from various sources
* 11:45 – listen to the pre-game show ahead of the college baseball game between IU and Mount St. Mary's
* 12:30 – watch old game shows and eat lunch at home with Sylvia
* 14:30 – now following the Rangers / Cubs MLB Spring Training Game
* 17:30 – listening to the college baseball between IU and Stetson
* 18:50 – moved in all pending CC games
posted Friday, 2025-02-28 ~20:55 DLFEB2025
by Roscoe