This is my story and I'm stick'n to it.

Monday 11/Sep/2023

Prayers, etc.:
• 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
• 06:00 – the Angelus
• 08:00 – Today's Rosary, the Joyful Mysteries, is offered as Day 28 of the 54-Day Novena for Our Nation, and is followed by the Daily Mass Readings for Monday of the Twenty-third Week in Ordinary Time
• 08:25 – Are we heading to Schism this Fall? Women Priests? – Dr. Taylor Marshall
• 18:55 – Catholic Night Prayer, followed by Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Monday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum

Health Metrics:
• bw= 219.40 lbs.
• bp= 130/76 (61)

• 07:00 – ½ pb&j sandwich
• 08:00 – cottage cheese and applesauce
• 10:15 – 1 cheese sandwich
• 13:15 – fried egg plant, sausages, rice.

Chores, etc.:
• 05:15 – listen to KTSA
• 09:00 – Frankly Joe, We Don't Give a Damn – Steve Green's Right Angle
• 09:15 – Vivek Ramaswamy’s CRAZY New Plan, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham MUST Be Impeached | Ep. 422 – The Liz Wheeler Show
• 11:00 to 12:30 – an hour and a half wasted, watching a sales pitch for what was advertised as a “simple, 10-second exercise” to prevent falls. No, I'm not gonna buy what that guy's selling!
• 13:00 – baseball o'clock, tuning into the Braves vs Phillies MLB game
• 16:00 – local news and weather
• 17:00 – listening to Dallas Sports Talk and planning to catch the first few innings of the Rangers vs Blue Jays game before the Monday Night Football Game starts.

• 14:10 – moved in all pending CC games, started a new one at LiChess, joined a chess460 tournament at Scheming Mind
• 15:00 – and I've joined a new tournament at GameKnot

posted Monday 11/Sep/2023 ~19:30 #DLSEP2023

by Roscoe