This is my story and I'm stick'n to it.

One busy Sunday! (100DaysToOffload – day 2)

26 April 2020 ~ 14:30

For the past few weeks I knew that one important chore was waiting to be done today: the activation of new credit cards, one for me and another “riding” on my account for the wife. The account housing these cards has been moved from the original bank to a much more full-serviced Federal Credit Union. The old account was active through yesterday, and the new cards, which were mailed to me a few weeks ago, were to be activated today. Activating those cards and setting up the online access to that new Credit Union account swallowed up most of this Sunday morning. (I really don't deal well with telephones and phone menu systems, but we do what we have to do. Ya' know?)

Through the early afternoon I've checked out recent posts put up by vloggers in the Philippines I follow. One of those posts focused on one guy's experience with his finances, particularly moving money from his American bank to the Philippines, and dealing with Philippines banks. Hearing about his experiences helped me realize that my plans re: how to manage my finances before, during, and after my move are good. Of course, given the current world economic and political situation, my move will have to be rescheduled for some yet to be determined time in the future. But I'm monitoring things as closely as I can, and I intend to adjust my plans accordingly.

The adventure continues.

#SeniorLiving #finances #plans #100DaysToOffload

by Roscoe