Tina's Writing Notebook: Plot Sketches, Serials, and Gay Things.


Last week, the writer’s group meeting provided a necessary distraction from my overstimulated libido. At the start of every year, we assign one person to ‘dungeon master’ a trio of guidelines for stories we’ll create and share only for the group.

This year’s components are Setting: Historical; Narrative: First-person; Theme: Vengeance. Queer characters are a constant – that’s our group dynamic.

Afterward, I sat at the bar and jotted down some preliminary ideas in my new plot-sketches notebook (I got a few as Hanukkah gifts).

Train operator Berek Kozak roams Soviet-controlled Poland and East Germany, hunting everyone on his ‘Kill List,’ from those who took him from his mother to every official that abused him.

First-person is weird, but I’ll meet the challenge since the components align well with my whole post-traumatic sexuality muse. I want to craft a screenplay, but the group wants prose fiction.