Tina's Writing Notebook: Plot Sketches, Serials, and Gay Things.

Chapter X – The Lion & The Owl

“Off he goes,” Planus observes Scipio as he stalks into the forest. “Off to sew the ground with his seed,”

“We must speak to Caesar,” whispers Titus.

Planus shakes his head. “You know that he’s allowed Scipio his leave because it’s kept the nuisance raids in check.”

“I’m aware,” says Titus. “His method is effective, the locals are terrified,”

“Wouldn’t you be if some marauding monster roamed your land, raping every mouth and hole with a man attached?” Planus asks. “I brought this before my Tribune, and do you know what he said?”

“He’s only buggering the druids,” Titus replies.

Planus gives a start. “You spoke to my Tribune?”

“No, I spoke to mine,” Titus clarifies. “It seems that they’ve all conspired to formulate the same response,”


Planus and Titus express concern for Scipio's depraved tactics after his father's death, while Castor realizes keeping him away from The Owl is in everyone's best interests.