A MAG is a Modern African Girl, so no subject is taboo. My purpose is to share things which may interest a MAG.

The MAG weekly Blog by Lydia, every friday 1700 hrs. Nr 22 18th November 2022

This week's contributors: Lydia, Doré Fasolati, this week's subjects: Modern African Girl lifestyle, Louis Vuitton and Fast Fashion, Pierre Soulages.

Modern African Girl lifestyle

Societal Norms try to force the Modern African Girl to adapt exhausting lifestyle and body changes. What happened to being natural and aesthetically appealing to the human eye? What happened to embracing our natural bodies without surgical interventions? Of course, if there’s a huge natural problem with a particular body part, you’d probably need fixing it, but that does not change the fact that these now unfortunately normalized surgical body enhancements are mostly not safe and that too many young ladies have died under the knife.

Recent findings shows that most female role models/ celebrities are going under the knife just to have the hourglass figure and get implanted with silicon and fat. Some didn’t wake up from the surgery. Tanesha Walker, 47, died in April following a Brazilian butt lift and liposuction at New Life Plastic Surgery Center in Miami. Walker traveled to South Florida in April for the cosmetic surgery. An autopsy report from the Medical Examiner’s Office shows the cause of death was a pulmonary fat embolism and ruled her death an accident. Months after the woman died the owner of the recovery home where the woman was supposed to go afterward has been arrested for operating that home illegally, NBC 6's Julie Leonardi reported. NBC 6 Investigators found Walker is one of more than a dozen women who have died the same way in recent years after undergoing a BBL. In 2021, more people died following the procedure than any other year before, doctors told NBC 6. Attorneys from New Life told NBC 6 that the procedure went well and Walker left in good spirits and was picked up by the recovery home, Chasing Dreams. The owner of the recovery home, Charlie Butler, said Walker became unresponsive in the car so she drove her straight to the hospital instead, where Walker died. So lots of lives have been lost to these trends and there’s no substantial data to support any health claims and some people go to unauthorized or quack doctors to perform these risky procedures.  

Let’s not partake in these high risk complications if you can’t afford a qualified , certified surgeon and stay true to your natural self by working out and eating healthy for a wealthy, happy lifestyle and body.

Louis Vuitton and Fast Fashion.
Louis Vuitton is typically not associated with fast fashion, and their recent 2023 spring and summer collection presentation in Paris went smooth and happy and gay all right (though I found the shoes the models had to wear far too heavy and big, they could hardly walk, let alone create that beautiful one foot in front of the other swing which shows a woman’s body at its best) happy and gay until the show was seriously disturbed by demonstrators occupying the catwalk holding placards saying “the climate is a fashion victim” and “our planet is burning and fashion looks the other way”.
So what is all that noise about? Zara was one of the first to change their collection very frequently, typically every 3 weeks, or 17 times per year. So you see something new and discard the old one, fast. Fast Fashion (FF). Shein, the recent Chinese Fast Fashion internet tiger, does even better, from design to shipment in less than 8 days. So that’s 45 new dresses a year, if you want to follow them, Very Fast Fashion indeed (VFF). And at very affordable prices (VAP?), some as low as 9 $ for a dress. Maybe not the best of qualities, but who cares if I only wear the item once or twice? So what’s wrong with that, if you can afford it? What’s wrong with that is that clothing is the number 4 polluter and environmental enemy in the world, after food, building and mobility And 165 of the many chemicals which are used are considered dangerous, cancer causers or hormone changers (ever wondered why some boys feel like girls and some girls feel like boys?).Typically the countries which produce these cheap clothings prefer employment over environmental issues, so a joke is that if you want to know next season’s fashion colour you should look at the colour of the water in the Chinese rivers. Yes, straight into the gutter and into the sea, polluting farmlands and drinking water on the way. You look sweet today, Babe, but this does not sound sweet. The big ones like Adidas, Calvin Klein, Fila and so forth ( I just mention 3 out of a very long list) look the other way, whilst they, the buyers, could force their producers to change their ways. But no one wants to be first, because it would mean that the price goes up. And that’s why some are now trying to alert the world, that is you and me, to go for more sustainable clothing. Over to us.

Pierre Soulages
Pierre Soulages (1919-2022), French painter, passed away in October, aged 102. I mentioned earlier that many artistes live very long, creating art seems to give some sort of renewable energy. Peculiarity of Soulages was that he painted everything in black, but he called it creating reflections of light.

He was also asked to do the windows of the Monastery of Conques, France, where he rather played with white.

Already before his death, his paintings were fetching well above 5 Million USD a piece, so he could enjoy it, most only become famous after they die.

Much of fashion these days is influenced by artworks, and already some of our funeral clothing is quite shiny, so I am waiting for a designer to come out with a Pierre Soulages-inspired collection


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