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Maximize Your Brave Browser Privacy and Security with ZERO EXTENSIONS

December 16, 2021

In this blog, I will show you how to maximize your Brave Browser Privacy and Security with no browser extensions by going into brave://flags and changing the settings for better privacy and security.

Brave Browser Flags Hardening

Brave Browser Settings Hardening

  • How to get into brave settings? – Type this in the URL: brave://settings/ or Use the 3 lines dropdown symbol and click settings.

Brave Browser Ad-Block Hardening Settings

  • How to get into brave custom adblock? – Type this in the URL: brave://adblock/ or Use the 3 lines dropdown symbol and click Brave adblock.

⚠️ This will help built-in brave ad-blocker add more domains for ads and tracking blocking.

Brave Browser NextDNS Hardening

  • Login and go to denylist to block the domains that collect user data on you. Once these brave analytics is blocked. It should not collect information on you.