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Zoom Acquires Keybase

December 28, 2021

In this blog, I will talk about the acquiring of keybase by zoom. Keybase is a end-to-end encrypted verification system, messaging, file sharing, git repo, and many more. People always switch when something like this happens like if it’s going to hurt you or something, You shouldn’t be that scared unless you doing something illegal and you are not being smart about your opsec anyways if your going to use it. It still open-source in the github repo and they still update it. The latest keybase client update is v5.9.0 and recently updated to that repo. The keybase C.E.O has moved to helping zoom with security and most likely still working on keybase, Just not as much. I would recommend people to get keybase and stop being overly paranoid. Like i said it is still end-to-end encrypted and we can see what they add in the repo anyways. The license hasn’t changed either.



