Love is seeing that which is.

The Seeker of Silence

A seeker approached Silence, who rests in a deep forest.

The seeker said, “I wish to be silent.”

Silence said, “You are silent.”

The seeker said, “No I am not.”

Silence said, “Yes you are.”

The seeker said, “My mind chatters.”

Silence said, “Yet it is silent.”

The seeker said, “But it chatters.”

Silence said, “Because it is silent.”

The seeker said, “How is that possible?”

Silence said, “That is its nature.”

The seeker said, “But I don't see silence.”

Silence said, “Of course you don't.”

The seeker said, “Then I am not silent.”

Silence said, “It cannot be seen.”

The seeker said, “Then I'll never know silence.”

Silence said, “Not knowing is silence.”

The seeker said, “That does not make sense.”

Silence said, “Making sense is noise.”

The seeker said, “Then silence has no meaning?”

Silence said, “Only noise has meaning.”

The seeker said, “Then how do I find silence?”

Silence said, “Call off your search.”


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Cover photo by Aman Upadhyay on Unsplash