Reflections on life, truth, faith, love, introspection, and transformation.

I have been fortunate in my life to never have struggled with any serious form of addiction. But I have seen it in many forms. Perhaps even I have struggled with it in the form of unhealthy food, but that seems to pale in comparison to what others experience.

I find myself wondering; What does addiction reveal about the mind-body relationship?

Could it be possible that unhealthy addictions, from heroin to fatty foods, are a product of the mind's shallow wants dominating the body's deep needs? Perhaps addiction solidifies once the mind has pushed the body so far that the body submits, even while knowing that doing so is against it's own best interest.

The hope inside me says that perhaps the love available to us all can somehow heal these broken patterns. Open the mind to love, so that it can let the body once again choose what is truly healthy and what is a damaging indulgence.