Reflections on life, truth, faith, love, introspection, and transformation.

Reality and Context Stories

I use context stories to describe reality to myself. We all do.

In my recent journey of deepening my emotional self relationship, I found myself imagining a metaphor in which a scoop is holding and carrying my emotions. In my version of that context story, my scoop is growing larger and stronger so that it might carry more and more emotions.

But this context story, like all metaphors, is not an accurate representation of what is going on. It has undertones of emotions being heavy, needing to be carried, insatiable, etc.

I'm not sure how to improve this context story yet. And I know my new story will be as much of an improvement as it will be an imperfection. But I am choosing to set my intention on a new context story for my emotional journey.

Where are you telling yourself context stories with strong undertones? How might awareness of those undertones give you space to create a new story?